take a chill pill...

last thursday i met up with the seriously cool daniella from the f blog. i absolutely adore her style. long wavy blonde locks, army jacket, denim shorts, doc martins and socks, fingers covered in rings... she just oozes an enviable laid back nonchalant vibe. she moved to london with a few friends from canada about six months ago and has since been skipping around europe and traveling to new places. generally just trying to soak up as much culture and fun as she can along the way. she has got such a great attitude and is totally open to whatever the future might bring her way. while i'm currently smack dab in the middle of the most stressful six weeks of my life (not to be melodramatic but masters level exams are not my idea of a good time), daniella was a total breath of fresh air and a firm reminder to me that sometimes i need to just take a step back from it all and take a chill pill.

taking photos in front of the sketchbook pop up shop on newburgh street with shini of park & cube and jill of street style london.

add a slick pop of colour to your wardrobe...


here kitty kitty....